Welcome to Yew Tree Primary Academy, we hope that this website will give you a flavour of the rich and varied opportunities that children at Yew Tree will experience whilst in our care.
At Yew Tree, we are committed to making the difference for all our children and young people. We are very much a school that places our children at the heart of all we do. We all feel immense pride in our achievements so far, and are confident in taking the school on an even greater and more successful journey in the future. Our aim, across both our mainstream provision and our specialist provision, is to produce well-rounded young people who are prepared for our ever-changing world. Alongside the academic and creative learning, we want our children to be happy while with us and to develop a ‘wellbeing’ toolkit to take them on into adolescence and adulthood. We do this by focusing on the Personal, Social and Academic aspects of education, which will drive our young people to reach their potential and achieve true excellence. Through a combined skills and knowledge-rich curriculum, engaging teaching, great relationships and strong partnerships, we work hard to ensure that Yew Tree is the best possible primary school experience for every child. Our learning culture extends to all members of the school community and is based on high expectations for all.
If you are considering Yew Tree Primary Academy for your child, we would encourage you to contact us and come and visit the school and witness for yourself the high quality education and care that we provide to all of our pupils to ensure we achieve our vision and values - 'DREAMBIG for Excellence for All’.
With this in mind, and due to the hard work of all of our whole school community during 2018-19, we saw significant academic improvements and were identified as one of Knowsley's 'Most Improved Performers at Key Stage 2'. With ongoing drive and determination for excellence for all, we had our most successful year to date for End of Key Stage 2 outcomes for attainment and progress.
As stated in our recent Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship report:
‘The setting is superb providing an excellent teaching and learning environment for teachers, support staff, pupils and the local community…A school that is clearly at the heart of its community where inclusion is a natural part of what normally happens in school, where pupils are encouraged to reach their full potential, where everyone involved is committed to the inclusion of all....’
If you would like your child to join us, please do come for a visit, which can be arranged via the school office.
We look forward to welcoming you,
Yew Tree Primary Academy
The Avenue
L26 1UU
Tel: 0151 477 8950
Email: school@yewtreeknowsley.co.uk