Our school Inclusion Manager and SENDCo is Miss J Appleton.
The Children and Families Bill underpins wider reforms to ensure all children and young people can succeed, no matter what their background. The Bill will reform the systems for adoption, looked after children, family justice and special educational needs.
The Government is transforming the system for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN), including those who are disabled, so that services consistently support the best outcomes for them.
A child or young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
Part of the SEN reform programme Local Authorities must publish their Local Offer, providing a comprehensive, transparent and accessible picture of the range of services available. Local partners, including schools are required to co-operate with the Local Authority in the development and review of their Local Offer.
All Knowsley maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.
This document outlines our School Offer and the SEN Information required as stated in the SEN Code of Practice.
At Yew Tree we pride ourselves on the quality of our SEN provision. Please click on the link below to access our SEN Information Report and SEND Policy
SEND Information Report 2023-24
Our SENCO is Miss Jenny Appleton, who can be contacted directly on 0151 477 8950 or via school email yewtreeknowsley.gov.uk
Admission arrangements for pupils with SEN into the mainstream are exactly the same as every other pupil. After an application has been made for a place in our mainstream and a need has been highlighted we would liaise with parents, other professionals and feeder schools and nurseries before the child starts to ensure everything is in place to support them and fully incorporate them into the school.
Children with a statement of SEN or an Education Health Plan may be maintained in our Mainstream provision with 1-1 support as dictated in the provision set by the LA or be placed in our DSP (Designated Special Provision). Entrance into the DSP is through the KAPP (Knowsley Access Provision Panel) and all applications for places are made to the LA.
The SEN office will then send information on prospective pupils to school to ascertain if Yew Tree DSP is a suitable environment for these pupils and that the provision can meet their needs.
Additional Information:
ASC | Autistic Spectrum Condition |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service |
EP | Educational Psychologist |
PEP | Personal Education Plan |
SENCo | Inclusion Co-ordinator – organises and monitors provision for children with additional needs, which includes SEN, English as additional language and child protection. |
LM | Learning Mentor- supports children with social/emotional/behavioural needs. |
QFT | Quality First Teaching – an excellent standard of teaching, enabling all pupils to make progress. |
EHCP | Education, Health Care Plan |
SA | School Action |
SALT | Speech and Language Therapy/Therapist |
OT | Occupational Therapist |
SEN | Special Educational Needs |
SEN Code of Practice | The legal document, which sets out the requirements for educating children with special educational needs. |
Outreach | Two Outreach teachers who support children on the SEN register, or who are working below age related expectations. |
Yew Tree is committed to ensuring the best possible education for all pupils regardless of ability, background, ethnicity, gender or disability. We continually monitor the progress of all pupils and take steps to intervene where there is evidence that individuals or groups are falling behind. Our school Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) liaises with parents and external agencies to provide additional support for children who require it. We also acknowledge that some children will be more able (‘Gifted and Talented’) and we aim to ensure that these children’s needs are also well catered for.
In June 2018, we became the first Primary school in the borough to achieve the Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship Status. Assessors visited the school to examine how the school meets the needs of diverse communities in delivering an inclusive education, whilst ensuring equal opportunities for all pupils, regardless of age, gender ethnicity, attainment and background.
Following the visit, assessors described the school as;
‘ A school that is clearly at the heart of its community where inclusion is a natural part of what normally happens in school, where pupils are encouraged to reach their full potential, where everyone involved is committed to the inclusion of all, whatever it takes.’
‘The setting is superb providing an excellent teaching and learning environment for teachers, support staff, pupils and the local community. They have proved their expertise over the years of IQM accreditation and I believe they have the drive and capacity to be a Flagship School. I recommend, without reservation.’
Assessors also commented that inclusive practice permeates throughout the school at all levels and the curriculum is enriched by topic work, themed weeks, visits, art and drama projects as well as residential visits.
Please click on the links below containing a list of local services and information for pupils and families with SEND.
Yew Tree Primary Academy
The Avenue
L26 1UU
Tel: 0151 477 8950
Email: school@yewtreeknowsley.co.uk