Admissions to Reception at Yew Tree Primary Academy are managed through Knowsley Local Authority. Please contact Knowsley Admission Department for further information and guidance 0151 443 5143. Parents and carers are very welcome to visit our...
Why is regular school attendance so important for my child? Yew Tree Primary Academy is a successful school and your child plays an important part in making it so. Our aim is to ensure your child’s education is the best that it can be and that they...
Are you a Special School? No, Yew Tree is a one form entry mainstream Primary School , Nursery who is proud to also have a 28 place Designated Special provision (DSP) as part of the school. These DSP places are allocated to children with EHCPs,...
Knowsley Information Service On this website Knowsley Family Information Service (FIS) provide a range of information on local/national organisations and services offering advice and support to children and young...
School meals offer great value for money and provide your child with a nutritious, tasty meal cooked fresh every day. School meals are: Nutritionally balanced to ensure they are low in fat, sugar and salt and high in vitamins and minerals –...
Weekly Newsletters: Click on the link below for our most recent newsletter: Spring Term Wk4 Click on the links below to read newsletters from previous weeks this term: Spring Term Wk 1 Spring Term Wk 2 Spring Term Wk 3...
At Yew Tree we take internet safety very seriously. We appreciate the importance of the internet as a learning tool for children today. It provides them with the opportunity to access a wide range of educational tools , communicate with friends and...
At Yew Tree, we are keen to ensure all parents have the opportunity to share their opinion as part of our commitment to ensuring all our children achieve well Ofsted Parent View gives Parents the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your...
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility! Anyone can make a referral if a child is at risk of significant harm. If you are worried a child may be suffering significant harm, or if you are concerned a child has suffered harm, neglect or abuse,...
A uniform looks smart, wears well and contributes to the feeling of belonging to the school, so we expect children from Foundation Stage upwards to always wear school uniform. If you have any queries regarding uniform please contact the school...
Term Dates for this Academic Year 2024-2025 Autumn Term 2023 opens on 4th September 2024 closes on 18th October 2024 Half Term opens on 4th November 2024 closes on 20th December 2024 Spring Term 2024 opens on 6th January 2025 closes on...
We have introduced a Soft Start to the start of our school day. This means that the school gates open earlier, at 8.45, children can be dropped off between this time and 8.55 every morning. Nursery 8:30 am to 11:45 am or 12:15 pm to 3:05 pm Total...
Consultation for Parents/Carers The Department for Education has announced changes to Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) statutory guidance. These changes will come into effect from September 2020 and all schools will be required to...
Our school Inclusion Manager and SENDCo is Miss J Appleton. The Children and Families Bill underpins wider reforms to ensure all children and young people can succeed, no matter what their background. The Bill will reform the systems for...
"Thank you for all the support and advice given to our son. He has set ambitious targets to get the best from himself and we're very proud of him. Our shining star!" (Parent June 2022) " My son's progress continues to amaze me...
Yew Tree Primary Academy
The Avenue
L26 1UU
Tel: 0151 477 8950