Admissions to Reception at Yew Tree Primary Academy are managed through Knowsley Local Authority.
Please contact Knowsley Admission Department for further information and guidance 0151 443 5143.
Parents and carers are very welcome to visit our school and see what we have to offer.
Please contact our Main Office to arrange a visit on 0151 477 8950.
School Admissions Policy
The admission policy for 2024/25 is printed in the local authority’s admission booklet which is available by clicking
Admissions to Yew Tree Primary Academy are managed through Knowsley Local Authority's Admission Team. For further information please click on the link below or call the team on 0151 443 5143.
The Local Authority produce a prospectus/Information for Parents booklet (see link below), which provides detailed information to guide parents/carers through the admissions process.
Before applying for your Reception Class place at Yew Tree Primary Academy for 2024/25, please read the prospectus due to be released by Knowsley Local Authority by 12th September 2024. This will contain contains important information regarding the application process and explains how the allocation of school places is undertaken.
The answer to any questions you have about the admission process will most likely be found within this document, but please contact the team if you have any further questions - 0151 443 5143
The Authority will apply any requirements of the agreed Knowsley co-ordinated admission scheme. Where more applications are received than places available, the oversubscription criteria below will be used. As this is an equal preference scheme, all preferences will be considered against the following criteria:
1. Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately became subject to adoption, a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order. This includes children who have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
2. Children with a brother or sister already attending the preferred school and who will still be attending at the time of admission.
3. Distance from the child's home to be measured in a straight line. Those living nearest to the school have priority.
Please note: In line with the Knowsley co-ordinated admissions scheme for primary school, proof of date of birth and home address may be requested following the initial allocation of places. If false information has been given, a place may be withdrawn. Parents/carers are reminded that they have a duty to inform The Inclusion Service of any change during the allocation process.
If for any reason you cannot make your application online, please contact the school admissions team by email to or telephone (0151) 443 3372 / 5143 / 5142 to request a paper application form.
The deadline for application to our 2025 Reception class in September 2025 is 15th January 2024
***Please note that there is no automatic transfer from our Nursery to Reception class. Attending our Nursery class does not give your child priority for a place in our Reception class. If you want a place in our reception class, you must complete the formal Local Authority application form by the deadline above.
Details of how to apply and other useful information are given in the admission booklet above. (If you live in another borough, contact your home authority for details of which form to use.) If you are moving to this area and are interested in a place for your child, please get in touch with the school initially who can provide you with all the appropriate paper work and provide information on whether the school has places.
If you have any queries about how to apply for this school, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or call in. The Inclusion Team (Admissions) can also assist with general advice.
The application portal to apply for entry to Year 7 of secondary education for the school year 2023/24 is now open.
The national closing date for applications is 31st October 2024
The Knowsley application portal is for use by Knowsley residents only, if you live in another authority you must apply on your home authority’s application, but you can name Knowsley primary or secondary schools as preferences if you wish.
The Local Authority produce a composite prospectus (Information for Parents) which provides detailed information to guide parents/carers through the admissions process.
Before applying for your child's Secondary (Year 7) school place for 2023/24, please read the prospectus (see vlink below), as it contains important information regarding the application process and explains how the allocation of school places is undertaken.
The answer to any questions you have about the admission process will most likely be found within these documents but please contact the team if you have any further questions
Children in previous Y6 cohorts have transfered to the following Secondary Schools:
Yew Tree Primary Academy
The Avenue
L26 1UU
Tel: 0151 477 8950