Staff List
Our Yew Tree Team
Senior Leadership Team
- Principal - Rebecca O’Hanlon
- Assistant Principal - Jenny Appleton (DSL, Inclusion Manager, Behaviour Lead and SENCo)
- Assistant Principal - Dan Taylor (Deputy DSL, Curriculum, English and Assessment)
Extended Leadership Team
- Designated Specialist Provision (DSP) Manager and Curriculum Team Leader- Robyn Riley
- Early Years and Key Stage 1 Manager and Curriculum Team Leader- Emma Hanlon
- Key Stage 2 Manager, Maths Lead and Curriculum Team Leader - Jennifer Heeley
- Assistant SENDCo (KS2) - Juanita Sargison
- Business Manager - Catherine Graham
Teaching Team
- Nursery Teacher - Andrea Parkinson (PSHE and RSE Lead)
- Reception Teacher - Emma Hanlon (EYFS & KS1 Manager & Phonics Lead)
- Year 1 Fir Teacher - Olivia Lever-Stanton (Maternity Cover Anniew Sewards -Music Lead|)
- Year 2 Maple Teacher - Donna Langshaw (Mindfulness and Wellbeing Lead)
- Year 3 Elm Teacher - Lydia Dickinson (RE Lead)
- Year 4 Alder Teacher - Juanita Sargison (Geography Lead and Schools Direct Mentor)
- Year 5 Beech Teacher - Jennifer Heeley (Maths Lead & KS2 Manager)
- Year 6 Willow Teacher - Joanne Mahar (Science Lead)
- Year 6 Willow Teacher - Mari Roberts (History and Extended Schools Lead)
- Cedar DSP Teacher - Clare Lynas (Physical Education and ITT Mentor)
- Birch DSP Teacher - Robyn Riley (DSP Manager & Art and Design Lead)
- Ash DSP Teacher - Helen Brady -Duck (Design and Technology Lead)
- Outreach Teacher - Zoe Atkins
Teaching Assistant Team
- Teaching Assistant - Karen Huxley-Gynane
- Teaching Assistant - Tracy Landy
- Teaching Assistant - Sarah Sallis
- Teaching Assistant - Rosie Boyd (Maternity Leave)
- Teaching Assistant - Steph Carghill
- Teaching Assistant - Julie Cooper
- Teaching Assistant - Jan Peers
- Teaching Assistant - Sarah Rogan
- Teaching Assistant - Stephanie French
- Teaching Assistant - Chris Burns
- Teaching Assistant - Patricia Doran
- Teaching Assistant - Tina Burghall
- Teaching Assistant - Samantha Dorkel
- Teaching Assistant - Alison Whalley
- Teaching Assistant - Jayne Pauls
- Teaching Assistant - Julie Aliski
- Teaching Assistant - Jill Chidlow
- Teaching Assistant - Melanie Rylands
- Teaching Assistant - Levi Reilly
- Teaching Assistant /1:1- Veronica Fong
- Teaching Assistant /1:1- Lauryn Keating
- Teaching Assistant/1:1 - Natalie Whalon
- Teaching Assistant/1:1 - Jennifer Harkness
Support Staff Team
- Administrative Assistant - Kirsty Horgan
- Administrative Assistant - Natalie Dowell
- Premises Officer - Gary McDonough
- Learning Mentor and Attendance Lead - Karen Ellis
Midday Supervision Team
- Chris Burns
- Tina Burghall
- Karen Ellis
- Jayne Pauls
- Patricia Doran
- Linzi Peers
- Gary McDonough
- Lesley Clancy
- Janet Garner
- Terry Kerfoot
- Julie Drummond
- Lilian Chandler
- Natalie Spruin
- Elaine Hough
- Debbie Hennessey
- Donna McGee
- Sue Quane
- Kelly McKeown
Other External Professionals
- Suzanne Craig/Win Little - Educational Psychologist
- Louise Hughes - School Nurse
- Stephen Rushton- Everton in the Community coach
- Betsy Vaudrey - Speech and Language Therapist
- Yaiza Grant- Specialist MFL Teacher (Spanish)
- Angela Walton - Specialist Music Teacher (Curriculum)
- Helena Cooke - Specialist Music Teacher (Toots)
- Mike Sutcliffe - Children's Worker St Mary's Church Halewood