Knowsley Information Service
On this website Knowsley Family Information Service (FIS) provide a range of information on local/national organisations and services offering advice and support to children and young people, their parents & carers as well as professionals working with families. There are separate sections on the website
- Knowsley's Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about support services.
- Knowsley Early Help is about working with children, young people and their families to offer the right support at an early stage before a small need becomes a bigger one.
- The Childcare & Early Education Section contains information on the Knowsley Childcare Information Service, free childcare for two, three and four year olds, as well as training opportunities for those looking to get into a childcare career. It also has a link for parent/carers to seach for childcare options within Knowsley.
- Advice and Information for services for children, young people and their families.
- The Education, Employment & Learning section has Information about education services and local schools plus employment and Post 16 Learning.
- The Health, Wellbeing and Care section has information on local hospitals/dentists, bereavement counseilling, Healthy Knowsley and services that can help if there is domestic violence. There are also a number of national services that may be able to help.
- Another section is Transport, Housing & Community Services.
- The final section is called Play and Leisure, where not only can you find a link to the activies website Places to go, Things to do where local activites and events are listed but there is also information about local groups and venues.