A uniform looks smart, wears well and contributes to the feeling of belonging to the school, so we expect children from Foundation Stage upwards to always wear school uniform.
If you have any queries regarding uniform please contact the school office.
Reception, Key Stage 1 and 2
Ink blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
White polo shirt
Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
Plain black shoes
Grey socks or tights
Ink blue sweatshirt with school logo
Ink blue jogging bottoms
White polo shirt
Plain black shoes or pumps
Grey socks or tights
Sports/PE Kit
White and blue t-shirt with school logo
Navy blue shorts
Black pumps
Examples of acceptable footwear can be found here:
Health and Safety
Please ensure all long hair is securely tied back.
Any child with pierced ears are only allowed to wear small studs.
Recently, there has been a rise in very big bows and hairbands being worn. We ask that only small bobbles are worn as these can cause safety issues due to being caught on things and pulling hair etc.
When taking part in P.E., girls can only wear socks - no tights. If your child wears tights for school due to the cold weather, please provide socks
Uniform (with trousers)
Where can you buy our school uniform?
Our main uniform supplier is Alpha Schoolwear (Kids Kirby Ltd)
You can purchase our uniform by clicking here or on the logo below.