On behalf of all schools in the Wade Deacon Trust, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year and thank you all personally for the encouragement and support you have given to us this week in ensuring that our schools...
11 Jan 2025Wade Deacon Trust has launched a consultation on admissions arrangements for pupils applying for school places for the academic year starting in September 2026, and beyond. The consultation documents can be accessed by clicking here . The...
11 Nov 2024Is your child due to start school school in September 2025? Come and visit us between 2pm and 3pm on Thursday 17th October or between 4.30pm and 6.30pm on Thursday 7th November and have a look at our amazing school on one of our Open Days . ...
8 Oct 2024After a nervous wait, we were delighted to be announced as winners of the Diversity and Inclusion Award at Shakespeare North Playhouse this Tuesday evening as part of Knowsley Education Awards 2022. Not only that, but also Runners...
7 Nov 2022In November last year, our small but talented choir took part in Knowsley's Music and Performing Arts Service Concert at Lord Derby Academy in Huyton. It was a wonderful musical evening and they all sang brilliantly, and with such confidence, in...
6 Jan 2023The Winter Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme will be launched shortly - there will be over 3000 places available across Knowsley https://oneknowsley.org/snap-healthy-living-activities/ for more details Scan this QR Code to...
27 Nov 2022Knowsley Sports Y1 Soccer Festival at Finch Farm This group of Year 1 children represented our school fantastically at the Knowsley Sports Partnership Y1 Soccer Festival on Wednesday this week. Not only did they have fun and shown great...
12 Oct 2022The children had a great time this week visiting St Mary’s Church, learning about how science and faith have crossed over for people in the past....
6 Oct 2022The children have worked tirelessly over the last few weeks, putting in a huge amount of motivation and determination for their up-and-coming performance. They had the opportunity this week to take their show to the stage at the new Shakespeare...
5 Oct 2022This Thursday 6th October is National Poetry Day. If you want our new Children's Laureate, Joseph Coelho, to read a poem he is launching his new Poetry Prompts on National Poetry Day just click the link below ...
3 Oct 2022On Friday 30th September, we held a cake sale in support of Macmillan Coffee Morning. Thanks to the generosity of children, their families and staff contributions, we have raised an tremendous total of £300. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ...
30 Sep 2022On 12th September, our Year 6 intrepid adventurers travelled to Kingswood Colomendy in North Wales for their very first residential. With fun filled team building activities across the three days, it is no wonder that our Y6 pupils...
12 Sep 2022Inspection of Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council local area’s effectiveness in identifying and meeting the needs of, and improving outcomes for, children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) from 14...
8 Mar 2022Still the only school in Knowsley to be awarded the IQM Flagship Status and now for the second year running! 'In terms of inclusion, Yew Tree Primary Academy is an outstanding school in every sense, with superb care, nurture and support as the...
5 Jun 2019It's maths, but not as you know it! On Friday 7th February, we joined thousands of other schools in celebrating this day filled with magical maths and numbers. Since it launched 20 years ago, over 3,500 schools have got involved with Number Day and...
8 Feb 2019For this year’s theme Find our Brave , Place2Be asked everyone to think about what makes them feel brave. Bravery comes in all shapes and sizes and is different for everyone. Bravery can be about sharing worries and asking for help, trying something...
5 Jun 2019We have had a wonderful week of Science this week at Yew Tree, where every child in every class has investigated, observed and experimented across a range scientific topics, including Plants, Living Things and Habitats, to name a few. All classes...
15 Mar 2020Launch of Class Dojo We are delighted to announce that as of Wednesday 15th April , the start of Summer Term, all children and their families will have access to Class Dojo. Class Dojo is an app based system, that can be downloaded by our families...
15 Apr 2020Please click on the link below for this months online newsletter: May's Online Newsletter...
27 Apr 2020*** Free School Meals*** Changes to Vouchers Since 27th March, Knowsley Council have funded supermarket vouchers for: 1.Children entitled to a means tested free school meal 2.Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (who are all eligible...
5 May 2020Please see the letter below containing key information for all of our families: Letter for Families 18.05.20...
15 May 2020Please see the letter below containing key information for all of our families: Letter for Families 08.06.20...
8 Jun 2020On Monday 22nd June, we will be opening to a wider group of children, including more children of key worker and vulnerable families, as well as a small group of Year 6 children from Willow class. Please click on the link below for more information...
10 Jun 2020Please click on the link below for a letter from our CEO Letter from CEO 11.06.20...
11 Jun 2020Please click on the link below to read an update from Councillor Graham Morgan Leader of Knowsley Council explaining the changes to School Meal Vouchers over the Summer Holidays. FSM voucher changes letter KMBC If you have been receiving food...
7 Jul 2020Please click on the link below for information about our return to school in September Letter for Families re: Returning to school in September...
15 Jul 2020Please click on the link below Letter - Face Coverings...
15 Sep 2020Letter from Trust CEO Please click on the link above for a letter from the Chief Executive Officer of the Trust, Mr Gary Kelly....
17 Sep 2020Please click on the link below Letter from Knowsley LA Click on the link below to check Guidance for absence related to COVID19...
18 Sep 2020Please click on the link below to read a letter from Jill Albertina (Assistant Executive Director - Education and Early Help) at Knowsley Council. Christmas Letter - Knowsley Council...
11 Dec 2020Dear Parents/Carers Public Health England has agreed a six-day window after the final day of teaching in which schools are asked to remain contactable to assist with contact tracing. This means that parents/carers of children, who have tested...
17 Dec 2020Please click on the link below to read a letter from Jill Albertina (Assistant Executive Director - Education and Early Help) at Knowsley Council. January Letter from KMBC...
4 Jan 2021Please click on the link below to read a letter to families with an update regarding our partial closure due to the current National Lockdown. Letter to Families 08.01.2021...
8 Jan 2021Reception Class 2021 All applicants for our Reception class for September 2021, either online or postal, should have now received a letter with confirmation of their allocated primary school. Primary school reception class allocation results...
25 Apr 2021Please click on the link below to read a letter from Councillor Harvey Letter 10.01.22...
10 Jan 2022Yew Tree is a GOOD School! We are delighted to be able to officially announce that Ofsted have judged Yew Tree to be a GOOD school! The inspection, which took place on 17th and 18th January 2023 and involved a team of 3 inspectors, evaluated the...
14 Mar 2023Yew Tree Primary Academy
The Avenue
L26 1UU
Tel: 0151 477 8950
Email: school@yewtreeknowsley.co.uk