Are you a Special School?
No, Yew Tree is a one form entry mainstream Primary School , Nursery who is proud to also have a 28 place Designated Special provision (DSP) as part of the school. These DSP places are allocated to children with EHCPs, as part of the Local Authority SEND Consultation process.
(see 'Designated Special Provision' tab for additional information)
Do you have a school uniform? We expect all children to wear full school uniform. This is a dark blue sweatshirt or dark blue cardigan worn with plain white polo shirt and grey school trousers or grey school skirt. Sweatshirts and cardigans can be purchased online from the school uniform shop.
Our online uniform supplier is Alpha Schoolwear (Kids Kirby Ltd)
What if something gets lost? Please make sure all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name so that it can be returned if found. We collect lots of lost property items each term.
Can my child wear jewellery in school? For safety reasons children should not wear any jewellery in school. However, they may wear a wrist watch and if your child has pierced ears, small studs may be worn. These will need to be removed for P.E. lessons and if your child goes swimming.
Is there a uniform for PE? Children should bring in P.E. kit to wear. P.E. kit should be navy blue shorts or navy tracksuit bottoms with our white and blue sports top. Trainers or plimsolls are worn for outdoor P.E. We will respect special requests made for religious reasons. Please contact us if this applies to your child.
What can my child have for lunch? If you wish, you can provide your own healthy packed lunch for your child, or a school meal is available on a daily basis. School meals costs £2.10 a day. Payment can be made via Parent Pay online and must always be made in advance. A copy of the menu is available for you to see at the office and shared on the weekly newsletter..
Can I get free school meals? If you think that your child is entitled to free school meals, please speak to a member of staff in the office.
Is drinking water available? Water is available in the dining hall and from drinking fountains around school. Children are also permitted to bring water into school to drink in the classroom during the day. This water should be in a clear plastic container that has a securely fitting lid. It should be labelled clearly with your child’s name.
What should I do if my child is not well? If your child is unwell then s/he should be kept at home. Please telephone school to let us know why your child is absent before 8.30am on the first day of absence.
What happens if my child has an accident at school? Unfortunately, sometimes children do have accidents or become unwell whilst they are at school and we need to call you. It can add to your child’s distress if we are unable to contact you. Please ensure that we have up to date contact telephone numbers for you and tell us straight away if these change.
How can I help my child settle into school? Bring your child to school on time. Arriving late can mean that your child misses important information about the lesson. It can also be embarrassing for your child and is disruptive for the class.
Please ensure that you attend parent/teacher consultation days and special events in school; help out with fundraising; offer to go on school trips; notify us of absences; read all the letters that your child brings home; support your child with homework; read together; give praise and encouragement.
What happens at the end of the day? School finishes at 3.05 pm for children in Reception and 3.15 for children in Years 1 and 2. Children must be collected by a known adult. Children in Y3-Y6 finish at 3.15pm. They must also be collected by a known and responsible adult. Please let us know if someone different from usual is collecting your child. Older children are permitted, with your agreement, to go home by themselves. Please contact the school office to arrange this and discuss further.
Can I park on the premises? We are fortunate enough to have plenty of parking spaces in the joint car park we share with Halewood Academy. Please park your car within an allocated parking bay, away from the school, particularly the school gates and never park in a disabled space without a blue badge on display. The area directly outside school becomes very congested and is then unsafe for children arriving and leaving school. So, families collecting or dropping of children must use the allocated bays only.
What is my child allowed to bring to school? Children should not bring toys, sweets, valuables or money into school. We cannot be responsible for children’s property.
When can I talk to the teachers? Teachers are busy settling their classes first thing in the morning and can only receive the briefest of messages at that time. They are more easily available at the end of the day when they have dismissed their classes. Teachers are happy to make appointments to see you if you would like a longer chat. Teachers also meet parents and carers informally at coffee mornings and more formally at parent/teacher consultation days.
Do you have a school council? Yes. Children are elected to the School Council by their class mates. The School Council meets regularly and discusses a range of issues.
Are children given homework? We expect children to read at home every day. Children should bring their book bag in to school twice a week to change their book. Depending upon your child’s age, other tasks will be set, such as a maths activity, a topic to research or spellings to learn etc.
What if my child has special needs? We can meet a variety of special needs in school. Please discuss your child’s needs with the teacher. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) will be happy to meet with you to discuss specific concerns.
What if my child can’t speak English? We have many children in our school who are learning English. We have some specialist staff who are available to help children in their acquisition of English as an additional language.
What should I do if I am worried about my child’s progress? Ask for an appointment to talk to the class teacher about your concerns. If you are still anxious, please ask to see the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, one of the Assistant Headteachers or the Headteacher.