The person responsible for developing PSHE at our school is Mrs A Parkinson.
Our intent in the teaching of PSHE is to enable our pupils to be able to make informed choices about how to develop their physical and mental health and wellbeing and in doing so keep themselves safe and physically and mentally healthy. We will help them to develop their sense of self-worth and their understanding of how they can make an impact on others positively or negatively through their choices supporting them to make positive, moral choices when faced with dilemmas and problems in life. Our intent is to support pupils in understanding their rights and responsibilities within the framework of the British Values of: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of other Faiths and Beliefs so as to encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community.
Yew Tree Primary Academy
The Avenue
L26 1UU
Tel: 0151 477 8950